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up to Rs. 1 Lakh
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What is IDDA?
IDDAssurance is an Indian Dental Derma Assurance, offers partial reimbursement for every dental and dermatology treatments through our empanelled doctors
How can I take my appointments?
You can book your appointments directly through the IDDA portal. You can choose a doctor near you, as per experience, qualification, reviews and feedback, and get your money reimbursed too. The process is simple, ensuring easy access.
Where do I need to pay?
In order to avail the reimbursements on treatments, it is mandatory for you to pay through IDDA portal only.
Are all consultations free?
Some of our doctors offer free consultations, while others may have a consultation fee. To find doctors providing free consultations, please visit the “free consultation” tab on the website.
How can I find out the cost of treatments?
Treatment costs are provided by the doctor during your consultation. You can check each doctor’s profile on our platform to see the treatments they offer and the reimbursement percentages applicable for each.
Who gives me reimbursements for my Dental treatments?
IDDA facilitates reimbursements for eligible dental treatments, ensuring you receive financial support for quality skin and hair care.
When will I get my reimbursements?
Your reimbursement will be processed 30 days after your payment is made through IDDA portal, ensuring a smooth and transparent process.
How much reimbursement will I get?
Your reimbursement amount depends on your subscription plan. Once you make a payment for your treatment through the portal, you&apso;ll receive the reimbursement after 30 days. To know more, check out our subscription plans.
Dental Reimbursement Calculator
Dermatology Reimbursement Calculator
Can I take video consultations?
No, IDDA reimbursements are only applicable for in-person consultations. Book an appointment through our platform, visit the doctor for a consultation, get your treatment done and then receive your reimbursement.
Can I ask generic questions to doctors through this portal?
To get the best advice for your concerns, we recommend booking a consultation with one of our doctors.
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